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Cultural Properties of the Munakata Region

  • 宗像社事書/
Name Letter of Notification from the Kamakura Shogunate
Survey year
Storage status
Excavated relics
Age Dated Joo 1 (1222)
Description The in-shrine regulations consisting of the thirteen clauses of Kamakura period Munakata Shrine, of course it applies to the priest, monks, the Daigûji and vassals, but also to everyone within shrine territory. Without forgetting Shinto rituals and Buddhist services, it starts with the defense of the shrine buildings, with all decisions made by consensus in group discussions in a parliamentary system. Precise annual tributes and executions of duties were expected, and things like unauthorized harvesting from inlets, islands, and mountains, and the use of armor and horses were forbidden. It was intended to ensure that everyone who lived within the territory would be able to live in peace, as befit their position.
volume / scale / area 33.8x47,0cm
Collection Munakata Shrine Collection
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