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Cultural Properties of the Munakata Region

  • 御嶽⼭祭祀遺跡(調査時)/
  • 御嶽⼭祭祀遺跡出⼟の奉献品/
Name Mitakesan ritual site
Classification Historical Site
Address Oshima, Munakata City
Survey year Excavated in 2010
Storage status
Excavated relics Many of the unearthed artifacts are of the same kind as those unearthed from Site 1 (open-air ritual) on Okinoshima Island.
Age Late seventh century to late ninth century
Description Large amounts of artifacts have been unearthed
at and near the mountaintop, resulting in the
confirmation of the site as a ritual archaeological
Archaeological remains:
A Sue stoneware pot was excavated as it was
placed ready for use.
Archaeological artifacts:
Nara-style three-colored small jar, eight-lobed
mirror, stoneware, earthenware, steatite figures
probably used for purification rites, metalware
volume / scale / area
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