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Similar Properties

  • Mogao
Name Mogao Caves
Country China
Overview The property consists of representative caves of Dunhuang, which had flourished as a strategic point of the Silk Road to the Western Regions at the cross roads of trade as well as religious and cultural influences. 492 caves were carved in five layers into the cliffs stretching approximately 1600 km north-south at the eastern base of Mt.Mingsha. The oldest cave is believed to have been made around the 5th century, and there are five wooden buildings remaining that were built in the Tang and Song Dynasties. In addition to constructions, pictures and Buddha statues, some 50,000 written documents and cultural products have been found. It is a comprehensive collection of history, art and culture.
Designation World cultural heritage
Designation year 1987
Criteria (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)
Related homepage https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/440/