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Treasure of Okinoshima

  • Hexagonal
Name Hexagonal Kirikodama (Cut-Decoration) and Miwadama (Mountain-Shaped) Beads
Classification Glass (for Kirikodama); Crystal and Quartz (for Miwadama)
Excavated Point Excavated from Site No. 7
Designated Category National Treasure
Era (real era) 6th Century
volume Kirikodama: L. 0.8-1.6cm; Miwadama: L. 2.5-4.5cm
Description Crystal faceted beads are personal accessories with a hexagonal cross-section created by combining two pyramid-shaped pieces. The mountain-shaped beads have a shape like a range of three mountains. Only one is made of crystal and the rest are made of quartz. These were used as thread securing pieces on the curved metal pieces that formed an arch connecting the top and the base of the handle of a twisted-hilt end long sword.