As exemplified by the research into historical Okinoshima ritual sites, the research related to this property looks into a wide variety of subjects and is carried out over an incredibly varied range of fields, starting with those of archeology and history.Here, the literary data from the research into this cultural heritage legacy group is collected and presented to provide assistance in gaining a deeper understanding into these assets.Also, in an effort to be of service to future research, we’ve published a PDF regarding the basic literature related to this property. The Sacred Islands of Okionshima and Associated Sites in the Munakata Region Nomination Dossier for inscripon on the World Heritage List Archeological Research Reports of Okinoshima Ritual Site Munakata jinjyashi (History of Munakata Shrine) Mitakesan Ritual Site (Archeological Ritual Sites in Nakatsu-miya) ・特別研究事業(2018年~2023年) ・『沖ノ島研究』
"Shimbaru-Nuyama Mounded Tomb Group" Tsuyazaki Town Cultural Property Research Report No.5, Tsuyazaki Town Board of Education, 1987.
Publisher:Tsuyazaki Town Board of Education Year of publication:1987
Publisher: Year of publication:1987
Publisher: Year of publication:1986
Publisher: Year of publication:1985
Publisher: Year of publication:1982
"Nuyama Mounded Tomb Group"
Publisher:Tsuyazaki Town Board of Education Year of publication:1981
Publisher: Year of publication:1981
MUNAKATA OKINOSHIMA ' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + N'Archeological Research(1969-1971) of Religious Sites on Okinoshima, Divine Island in Genkai-nada Sea
Publisher: Year of publication:1979
"Nuyama Mounded Tomb No.5"
Publisher:Tsuyazaki Town Board of Education Year of publication:1978
"Shimbaru-Nuyama Mounded Tomb Group"
Publisher:Fukuoka Prefecture Board of Education Year of publication:1977
Publisher: Year of publication:1977
"Record of Repair Works and Construction in Munakata Taisha in the Showa Period"
Publisher:Munakata Shrine Revival Association Year of publication:1976
Publisher: Year of publication:1973
Publisher: Year of publication:1972
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