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Cultural Properties of the Munakata Region

  • 旗艦三笠の羅針儀/
Name Compass from the Japanese battleship Mikasa
Survey year
Storage status
Excavated relics
Age Meiji period
Description On May 27th, 1905, the Battle of Tsushima was fought in the waters near Okinoshima, the combined Japanese fleet, led by Commander-in-Chief Togo Hachiro in a battle in the Tsushima Strait and in the waters to the north, crushed the Russian Baltic armada. This item, in gratitude for the blessings of naval victory, was dedicated by the Department of the Navy. It is a Japanese-made magnetic compass, one of the two equipped on the flagship, Mikasa. It is the only surviving meter from the Mikasa.
volume / scale / area H1m29cm
Collection Munakata Shrine Collection
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